Difference Between Roller Crusher and Hammer Crusher
Roller crusher works on strong extrusion power. Hardness of coke powder is not high. Through the extrusion work, size of coke powders becomes 12mm smaller. Amazing performance of roller crusher creates a solid base for work of four-roller crusher. Easy-wearing part of roller crusher is roller. In general, roller crusher has high working efficiency, small failure and low cost for repair.
Hammer crusher uses 10kv dynamo and the power is 280kw. While, roller crusher uses 380v three-phase asynchronous with power of 90kw. The energy consumption decreases, we can clearly see. Through fluid coupling, high-voltage motor drives the rotors of hammer crusher. Revolving speed of high-voltage motor is 980r/min.
When rotors run in a high speed, coke powders in hopper also fly rapidly. As a result, a lot of dust is produced. So, the dedusting effect of hammer crusher is not ideal. But, by using the roller crusher, revolving speed of dynamo directly decreases to 122.5r/min from 980r/min. Low revolving speed of rotor directly brings about the remarkable decrease of flying dust.
Fixed asset is 279,2500 Yuan. If we account the depreciation according to Average service Life Method, then the yearly depreciation charge will be 17,6900 Yuan. Hammer crusher has many failures if working for a long period like rapid wear, oil leakage, strong vibration and bearing heating, etc. But, double roll crusher only has one easy-wearing part and works still healthily after a long period.
By using the toothed roll crusher to replace hammer crusher, we can save at least 10,0000 Yuan. Click website to get the price list of hammer crusher and roller crusher!